About US
The sawmill was founded by Rob Moores in 1991 with the Moores family coming from a long line of foresters, woodsmen & saw millers.

Today Rob's eldest son Michael is general manager overseeing the day to day running of timber production, timber sales & milling.
Rob’s daughter Anna looks after the firewood & garden box customers, and his youngest son Andrew is a builder working on projects both for himself & the mill.
These days Rob spends most of his time planting & looking after thousands of native trees he’s planted on the family property.

We all endeavor to continue the family tradition & the appreciation of every aspect that the warmth & beauty of wood gives us.

Hi I'm Anna
You may already know me; I have been looking after firewood & inter-locking garden box customers at the sawmill for some years now. Times are changing & now my side of the business has branched off & is “Tauriko Firewood & Garden Boxes”. You will still find me at the sawmill helping with firewood now & then also doing the odd delivery of firewood & boxes. The only real difference for all our valued customers is that my email address has changed.
When I can I like to spend time out the back of the property on the steep banks with Dad & our mate Tux helping plant & look after all the natives. Caring for our green belt. Something very therapeutic about that. I am usually home later in the afternoons replying to emails & organizing orders.
For any other timber sale inquiries, you will have to talk to my brother Michael at Tauriko Sawmill. You will find the Tauriko Sawmill link at the footer of this page.
And to close a big THANKS to all our customers out there.
I hope we’ve been & will continue keeping you warm & growing healthy plants.